
The Taste of Memories

A Recipe Book of Memories

What does the word ‚home‘ means and at what age do we give it meaning? Many of us grew up in one, in a home that our parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles and relatives shaped. Who, as we grew up, taught us about the world from their perspective as we interpreted and saw it for the first time and with it, its colors, its smells, its tastes, its sounds, its dances, and its languages.

When we migrate, we take all that with us, like a piece of luggage that was stored in some corner inside a lung, or inside the memory in a heart’s artery. And then you arrive in this new world, which we were told was the Old World, with other colors, other flavors, other words, in which yours no longer make sense. And you try to connect with all your senses, but, above all, we try to belong, because we belonged all our lives to something, to someone, to some place where we learned to be.

When we migrate, without saying, we go through the grieve that comes with the beautiful discomfort of leaving everything we once knew. We mourn, because we can’t go to lunch at our grandmas on Sundays, or have mom bring us soup when we are sick, or the Christmas meals and celebrations that we like so much, or that special dish that was made for us on our birthdays or on a family BBQ on a Sunday or a holiday.  

I wonder if emotions come inside us through the taste and respiratory track, if it is that we breathe life, and with that what we love finds its ways inside and finds its corner somewhere in the body.

If what we have loved and what we have lived hides somewhere in our body, I doubtlessly think it came in through one of our senses, and in this attempt at my first illustrated book I’ll share which, I think, are the senses through which at first instance part of what we perceive as cultural identity enters.

Mariana Martinez
Bachelor KD · Wintersemester 2022/23

betreut von:
Prof. Dipl.-Des. Ilka Helmig und
Prof. Dipl.-Des. Lorenz Gaiser

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